If You’re Not First, You’re Last

Selling your goods, keeping your clientele, and expanding your market share all become considerably more challenging during economic downturns. For all those who are unable to make the adjustment, failure becomes a genuine possibility and mistakes become more expensive.

But picture being able to sell your goods while others are unable to, seizing market share from your rivals, and being aware of the specific formulas that would enable you to increase sales while others find reasons not to.

International sales guru Grant Cardone teaches how to sell your goods and services despite the state of the economy in If You’re Not First, You’re Last. He also gives you tips on how to make money no matter what your good or service is. His tried-and-true tactics will enable you to not only keep selling but also develop new items, raise margins, expand your market share, and do a lot more. If You’re Not First, You’re Last’s core ideas include the following:

  • Changing the unsold into the sold
  • The Sales-Boosting Power Schedule
  • Your Financial Freedom Plan
  • The Irrational Selling Mentality

Product details

Listening Length7 hours and 47 minutes
AuthorGrant Cardone
NarratorGrant Cardone
Audible.com Release DateFebruary 27, 2012
PublisherTantor Audio
Program TypeAudiobook


Grant Cardone‘s book If You’re Not First, You’re Last, which explores the world of business competition and emphasizes the significance of being the industry leader, is a potent and thought-provoking read. It is a must-read for business owners, professionals, and anybody aspiring to succeed in today’s fiercely competitive environment because of its captivating content, practical solutions, and inspirational encouragement. Cardone gives readers the skills they need to rule their industries by highlighting the significance of being the leader and by offering helpful advice. This book will completely revolutionize your business if you’re ready to grow it.

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