Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate

He is an American and British-born online sensation, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker. He became well-known in the early 2010s thanks to his usage of social media sites like YouTube, where he expressed his ideas on success, dating, and self-improvement. In his capacity as a life coach, he is recognized for assisting clients in overcoming a range of both personal and professional obstacles. The public and media have criticized and scrutinized Tate as a result of a number of problems, including abuse claims.

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Andrew Tate Quotes

  • Success is not a destination, it’s a journey.
  • Don’t chase money, chase opportunity.
  • Believe in yourself, even if nobody else does.
  • Fear is just a sign that you’re on the right track.
  • The only way to achieve success is by taking massive action.
  • Find a person who is as successful as you’d like to be, ask them what to do, do it and work hard.
  • Your mind must be stronger than your feelings.
  • Do the impossible and you’ll never doubt yourself ever again.
  • You are exactly where you deserve to be. Change who you are and you will change how you live.
  • You must put in the effort to get the life you want.
  • You can become rich, you can become strong, you can take care of your loved ones and enjoy the fact it will be very difficult.
  • The amount of stress you can tolerate while remaining effective is directly correlated to the level of success you will enjoy.
  • As a man trauma and difficulty are extremely important because they’re the building blocks for mental fortitude and physical fortitude.
  • A man must physically protect his woman. But a woman must spiritually protect her man. She must bring positivity and joy.
  • Get important people to recognize your face. That’s your way out.
  • Adversity builds men. It is your duty to challenge yourself and craft your own world.
  • Hard work does not make you successful. If that were true, our soldiers would drive Bentleys and our teachers would take their lunch breaks in gold-plated Jacuzzis.
  • Jobs are shit. That’s why they pay you. If it was fun, you would pay them.
  • Life has only three categories. 1- Cause and effect. 2- Purpose and intent. 3- Action and reaction. When you master all three realms, you begin Tateism.
  • Keys to life success that require ZERO talent:- Being on time. – Work ethic. – Energy. – Attitude. – Bravery. – Being coachable. – Being prepared. – Taking things seriously. – A good circle of friends. – Staying in shape.
  • Men are not designed to be comfortable, they want to achieve, to feel pain and suffering, to conquer something.
  • Most closed doors aren’t even locked. Push!
  • The internet is the new battleground of Earth, the wild west, the place of truth and opportunity.
  • The more stress you can tolerate, the more successful you’ll become as a person.
  • The only thing we have control over on this planet is our own state of mind.
  • The rich child asks his parents for everything. The poor child dreams of giving his parents everything. Do you understand?
  • The thing standing between you and your next-level life is nothing more than the story you tell yourself.
  • The wise man is only wise when he’s searching for knowledge. The second he thinks he knows enough, he becomes a fool. The rich man is only rich when he’s pushing to make money. The second he thinks he has enough, he becomes broke.
  • Your future is the result of your daily actions. You’re defined by what you do today. Lazy now, loser later. Get to work.
  • There is simply one way to become an exceptional man, a professional. You must go through hell and survive.

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